From the Editor – Spring 2020

Such strange times we’re in. As we go to press, we’ve been on lockdown for a month and it could be another month (or more!) before we are set free again.

In planning for this issue, it was obvious that any date-sensitive information had to be cut, but to keep the promise that we will be able to gather and enjoy the creativity and entertainment we’re  known for, our venue listings are included. When you can, enthusiastically support them.


The future for this magazine and other print publications is uncertain, but if we’ve learned anything from all this, uncertainty is a fundamental truth. Yet, through it all, we know we humans will prevail.


So, in putting together this issue, we’ve kept one foot in the past and another in the future. When it first appeared, Olga Clark’s byline was omitted for her Whitley Heights article and I’m happy to correct this oversight.


We lost the late Judy Raphael years ago, but her story of a young girl’s adventure has always been one of my favorites.


Needing a breath of fresh air, the art of Granville Redmond again graces our cover and Russell Jackson’s article about two famous artists, one of whom was Hollywood’s first tourist attraction, reminds us that art is the only thing that lasts in this world.


Looking to the future, our City Council member’s initiative “Heart of Hollywood” may take longer to accomplish due to extenuating circumstances but his, and his deputy in charge-Dan Halden’s resolve that it will go forward has not dimmed.

And, because as editor I can share my concern about the future and preserving the essence and authenticity of this most famous, important and beloved of places, I wonder where we’re heading and if it’s the best path to take, on page 42.


Lastly, and so it is, in this time of uncertainty, a time to care, a time to get reacquainted with our loved ones, a time to read that book we’ve saved for so long, to watch old movies and new series, a time to discover what’s really important. We have an opportunity like none other to face the future as a new creation and boldly go forward.


P.S. We are deeply grateful to our advertisers for their support during this difficult time.