Laluzapalooza – Art Review
La Luz De Jesus Gallery presents Laluzapalooza, their 30th annual group exhibition. A jury sorted through thousands of submissions from local artists to commercial artists to find some of the hottest most impressive artists and selected over 250 pieces from more than 100 artists for this huge show with no theme. You will find a little bit of everything from familiar names to emerging undiscovered artists. The art contains mixed media, sketches, paintings, needle felt, papier Mache and wood carvings among others things. There is bound to be something for everyone at this show and perhaps you can own a piece of something well known and loved or one of the next great artists. The gallery is open to the public from March 4 th through March 27 th so stop by and check out the amazing art.
La Luz de Jesus Gallery
4633 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 666-7667
Featured Artists:
Donna Abbate, Eric Almanza, Nathan Anderson, Davidd Batalon, Roberto Benavidez, Megan Bennett, Michelle Bickford, BigToe, Andrea Bogdan, Alea Bone, Steven Bradshaw, Katherine Brannock, Hazel Castillo, Adrian Cherry, Christine Cheung, Mary Clark-Camargo, Carol Connett, Tom Connor, Matthew Cooper, Dave Dexter, Randi Drozd, Bruce Eichelberger, Frank Forte, Harold Fox, Don Fritz, Richard Frost,
Christine Fulton, Wendy Lee Gadzuk, Josh Gardner, Diana Georgie, Arthur E Giron, Mark Gleason, Trevor Grabowski, Amy Guidry, Conrad Haberland, Walt Hall, Howard Hallis, Derek Harrison, Annette Hassell, Jack Howe, Karen Hydendahl, Hyun Jung Ji, Jinx, Nagisa Kamae, Kate Kelton, Mariam Keurjikian, Jeffrey R. Kibbe, Randy Kono, Michael Kortez, Craig LaRotonda, Mavis Leahy, Dave Lebow, Gretchen Lewis, Justine Lin, Bob Lizarraga, Sergio A. Lobato, Lizz Lopez, Carl Lozada, Alexiz Lopez, Dion Macellari, Edwin Marin, D. W. Marino, Horacio Martinez, Jason Blue Lake Hawk Martinez, Mary Ancilla Martinez, Aya Masuda, Vincent Mattina,
Patrick McGrath, Mark Melchior, Genie Melisande, Zachary Mendoza, Gram Moore, Melissa Parra Morrow. Click Mort, Pamela Mower-Conner, Michael Murphy, Ron Norman, Daisuke Okamoto, Billy Pacak, Cristina Paulos, Plasticgod, Peca, Olga Ponomarenko, Bunnie Reiss, Lena Rushing, Ken Ruzic, Corey Sandelius, Leonardo Santamaria, Van Saro, Lena Sayadian, Kim Scott, Rusty Sherrill, Dale Sizer, Preston Smith (PMS), Andy Steel, Sean Stepanoff, Adam Strange, Joey Stupor, Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman, David Russell Talbott, Tenderloin Television, Annie Terrazzo, Pol Turgeon, Vakseen, VegA, Edith Waddell, Shawn Waco, Nicole Waszak, Lauren Wilde, Marc Willey, Jasmine Worth, and Natalie Zigal.