JonBenét Ramsey: THE MUSICAL – Hollywood Fringe Review

If you see nothing else at The Fringe do treat yourself to JonBenét Ramsey: THE MUSICAL. It will be the absolute fastest hour you’ll spend. Chuy Bravo is featured as little JonBenet complete with mustache and blond wig so you know that laughter is in order.  Patsy Ramsey ( played by Dana Shaw who gives the character a hysterical almost Paul Lynde flavor) bemoans her own lack of fame and sings Murder is Murder to the tune of my favorite things. There are lawyers played with great vim and vigor by Brandon Derk and Michael Brian who wish for an OJ type case- but really, how often does a celebrity commit a murder that gets bungled by the cop and then goes free? Andrew Diego is brilliantly crazy as John Mark Karr who confesses to the murder. Mark Pietruszka is hysterically funny as cop one who is concerned because he could have been famous if he hadn’t bungled the investigation. Lindsay Zana has the most difficult role of playing serious roles- cop 2 and reporter. From her we learn that tabloids sell better when you lie. Travis Dixon rounds the singing cast as John Ramsey and ensemble. Mary Rachel Gardner tries to keep all under control as the judge and Susan Huckle joins in the singing and dancing. Cory Rivera on piano was the only part of the production that could be considered tasteful. Kudos to Austen Fletcher and Hannah Rowston, writers and director, for a great dose of theatrical over-the-top entertainment. JonBenét Ramsey: THE MUSICAL will keep you in stitches.

Note: It is not P.C. The wigs are really bad. If you are easily offended, you will be.