From the Editor – Fall/Winter 2020

Dear Friends,

For nearly 35 years, we’ve been producing Discover Hollywood and during that time have been through many changes both in ownership and in our everchanging community. It’s no surprise to anyone that nothing really compares to the last several months.

We were in production for our Spring issue when the world shut down. Although many of our advertisers pulled their ads, we were able to publish a 56-page edition.  As we go to press, we are happy that we are still in business and doing our best, as are all of you, to make it through this unprecedented time.

Hollywood is always in the news no matter what the circumstances and that was the case when the country erupted in June.  As one writer penned so many years ago, “It was the best of times and the worst of times.” Injustice and inequality could no longer be ignored and Hollywood Boulevard was packed with 100,000 in a demonstration of solidarity.

Keldine Hull reminds us that there are many names that must not be forgotten as this country moves into the future. On the Walk of Fame, over 165 artists have either received their star or will as soon as they can be scheduled. The contribution of African American artists to our culture is undeniable and that is embodied forever on our famed walk.

What I think we all want is a return to normalcy after unrest, an election and a pandemic. What can be more normal and comfortable than our beloved Original Farmers Market? Michael Darling takes on a trip into the history of the market. We are grateful to the Gilmore family for keeping the tradition alive for future generations.

At this juncture, none of us knows what the future will bring.  This country has been through a lot in its short history. Who we are as a people has carried us through. Few of us arrived under the best of circumstances. We were persecuted, starving and captured. We were enslaved and endured unimaginable hardship. Yet, somehow, we arrived at this place in this time, so that we can begin again. I guess, after all, that’s the American way.

Keep the faith.

P.S. During this holiday season, we are grateful for the support of our advertisers for making this issue possible. We hold our artists and artistic venues in our hearts and thank them for what you have provided through their talent and dedication over the years. We know that this holiday season will be like none in our memory and trust that we will make it through these difficult times.