From the Editor – Winter 2018
Winter is the season for non-stop celebration. The holidays seem to roll in like our Southern California storms (when we have a real rainy season). We save enough party to ring in the New Year and then we launch into Awards Season culminating with The Oscars.
The past several years the red carpet and award statues have increasingly been presented to actors from Australia. James Bartlett made the trek down under and fills us in on the history of the film industry on that continent and filmdom’s counterpart, Melbourne.
Now that Los Angeles has been recognized for its vibrant art scene, we add the L.A. Art Show into the festivities. Anastasia Goronok’s article on not only the creativity exhibited at the Los Angeles Convention Center, but the art that’s presented right here under our noses twelve months a year with the galleries lining Highland Avenue, LaBrea, Beverly and points in between. Treat yourself; go out and discover what’s hidden behind their nonchalant façades.
Not so nonchalant is a tour of Hollywood Boulevard with the Hollywood Entertainment District’s ace tour guide, April Clemmer. Kathy Flynn treats us to another of her photo essays as she followed April into the past. Our cover, courtesy of the Pasadena History Museum, reminds us that Hollywood is ever changing. Painted in 1934, it’s aptly titled New and Vanishing Hollywood.
Reflecting on the “new and vanishing Hollywood,” there’s no doubt that we are entering into another Golden Era. As we move into the future, it’s important to recognize the past. Our legacy is in the industry that changed Hollywood forever. Our history is rich and much of our built heritage still remains. Our authenticity is one of our most valuable assets.
Hollywood has a new future, with thousands of new apartments under construction, new office buildings, and as of the beginning of the year, a new president of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Leron Gubler notably led that business organization for 26 years, he helped usher in the Hollywood renaissance. His contribution helped build the foundation for the New Hollywood.
It’s an exciting time of the year, always filled with much anticipation as we great a new year and speculate which films and actors will win the golden prize. Never a dull moment in our town.