The Paracas (sand storm) culture developed approximately 800 BC. and 100 B.C. Experts in irrigation, water management and textile arts.
This Culture was divided into two periods:
called caverns and Necropolis, both with different development characteristics. One lived in caves and his ceramics were incised polychrome. Textiles have complex systems, such as elaborate braiding and knotting techniques.
The necropolis, its very fine smooth ceramic pieces, some with white and red slip, The textiles and embroidery are the best ever produced by pre-Columbian Andean societies. approximately the year 250 AD. Many of the burial bundles include textiles similar to those of the early Nazca culture, which emerged after the Paracas.
Among both, the system of deformation of the braincase in life stands out in a turreciphalic form caused by different reasons.
Paracas Museum / National Park Tour / Ballestas Island Tours.