Bumpersticker: The Musical is a super fun musical experience, especially for a Los Angeles area crowd. Everyone knows the feeling of being stuck in your car, annoyed at the traffic, reading billboards and bumperstickers and listening to the radio to do anything to distract you from the terrible freeway traffic you are stuck in. Bumpersticker takes that experience to a new level by creating songs about popular sayings and slogans you see promoted on the cars zooming along the freeway. Maybe you have some bumperstickers yourself or maybe you’ve laughed at, poked fun at or admired the ones that other people have. If you have bumperstickers on your own car or you’ve seen them on someone else’s, you will enjoy a good time listening to the songs that this wonderfully talented cast sing. Such gems include songs about the things you heart, religion, politics, and gun control, the story of the mud flap lady, the great things your kid does, and what your other car just happens to be. Be sure to check out Bumpersticker: The Musical for a good laugh and an honest good time.